Facebook hasn't written back.
And Ellen hasn't called and said "yes! I will do a show on breastfeeding and fill my audience with lactating mamas who I will shower with lanolin cream and fancy nursing bras. Yes!" Oprah hasn't called either. And Tyra hasn't. And NPR hasn't. And my local news station hasn't.
And you know what? I think they're missing out on an opportunity. Because this image is still on Facebook, as the profile pic for the Big Boobs application, which has 55,842 monthly users:

And this image is still on Facebook, as the profile pic for the "Tits" application with 12, 260 monthly users:

And this image is still on Facebook, the profile pic for the "T i t s" fan page, with 1,863 fans:

And this image is still on Facebook, the profile pic for the group "Titties" with 580 members:

And I'd like to say I'm surprised. Because Facebook has a policy against sexually offensive material. And given the context of each of these pictures, I'd call them pretty damn sexually offensive. So I reported them. Each and every one. And included my letter to Facebook as my comment for each one. No response. No removal of the pictures.
But you know what picture Facebook did remove?
This one. Originally posted on the "Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is NOT obscene" group, with 258,448 members.
Here, where, after three years of infertility and a traumatic and pre-term birth, I finally tandem nursed my babies successfully for the first time. Facebook told me this picture was offensive. And warned me that they will delete my account if I continue to break the rules.
Hey Facebook?
Fuck you.
1 – 200 of 334 Newer› Newest»Love it. You're about to get some traffic with this post
You are showing their mysogenic hypocrisy beautifully. As someone whose offensive first feeding photos were also removed I understand completely and second your "Fuck you."
Thank you!!!
Keep it up girl! I say a big "Fuck you" to face book too! Your picture is beautiful and amazing, you are doing what God created you to do! You are nourishing your child(ren)! Your picture is very far from obscene!
*stands up and applaudes*
You tell 'em! My kids are long past their breastfeeding years now but if you decide to do any kind of NIP photoprotest or something let me know - I'll happily join in with photos from the archives :).
Your boobs look just as bodacious as the others that were posted, so what's their beef?
AWESOME!!!! I am glad you wrote that letter! I hope someone calls! I breastfeed my 9 month old daughter and have NO plans of stopping any time soon. I think it is a wonderful and beautiful thing! I am also a fan on the breastfeeding page and I am truly offended by what facebook has done. I stand behind you 100%
To the excellent writer of this post and others here: I’m sorry you had a photo deleted by Facebook. I agree with your description of this!
Deleted photos of breastfeeding are being collected off Facebook as evidence of Facebook’s bad attitude and actions. The collection is authorized by the administrators of the Facebook group you mention (Hey, Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!). It may be found at:
We'd like to add more deleted photos to this distinguished group, with or without accompanying words. If you're interested (we hope you are!), you may send the photo(s) and the date(s) of deletion to:
or write with comments or questions. Regardless, please have a look at the wonderful photos on those pages.
Well said!
Congratulations on your babies and nursing!!!
i love you. but you knew that already.
i just shared this on fb and twitter.
and i noticed that you commented on my titties.
i just want to say how proud i am of you. not just for taking on the world, but for still fucking breastfeeding twins. i know that you aren't told enough.
you are so fucking awesome.
Go you! Congrats and applause for sticking with it and getting them both latched at once!
I nursed my daughter till she was 2 ( i heard it from everyone, so what!) Now i'm at 7 months with my son.....nursing like a champ!
I have a small cafepress shop
that had a onesie & bib set that said Got Breastmilk?
I got letters from lawyers saying the Got Milk company didnt want me to have it on my site because it was to close to their slogan....I think its because it had the word BREAST in it.
I swear some people have no clue as to how GREAT breastmilk is. If FB did a little diggin they would see that breastmilk and the containers its in is way better than some chick with fake tits filled with chemicals.
I love your blog post. I will share it on my FB as well!!!
Very well written and to the point. I love it : ) Good on ya!
Good for you mama! I think it is a beautiful picture as all breastfeeding photos are.
April, thank you. I think I love you :-)
Sorry April. I think your picture is graphically and obviously sexual. From the hospital crib in the corner, to the giraffe and elephant print pillows, to the honest and quietly proud smile on your face -- the entire scenario is intentionally provocative, and Facebook has a duty to protect its users from pornography.
I'll have you know that I shared your blog post on my Facebook page so that my entire Friends list (populated heavily by the nursing mothers of toddlers) can see your efforts for what they really are, a shameless display of your ta-tas for the gratification of someone else's husband. Obviously.
/takes tongue from cheek
Excellent post, April. If we throw enough resistance at FB, maybe they'll wake up. Maybe. Cheers, and huge 'grats on tandem feeding those loves of yours.
As a fellow breastfeeder-of-twin-boys (currently 15 months old and still nursing), I know exactly what an amazing achievement it is the first time you get the latched simultaneously! And even if I didn't know from experience, I would be able to imagine it just based on the triumphantly happy expression on your face in this beautiful photograph.
I'm so sorry that your photo got removed, and I do encourage you to add it to the collection over at www.tera.ca. The diversity reflected in the photos there really showcase Facebook's hypocrisy.
Hell yes, mama.
What an amazing picture! Congratulations on successfully breastfeeding your twins. As a nursing mother to a 2 1/2 year old, I salute you! And I agree, Facebook needs to get over this bias. I'd much rather see all these beautiful pictures than silicone filled breasts... but then, I'm not a man am I?
Ah, if only there was a twin site that we could enjoy like facebook without their administrators... although it would be awesome to get some time on Rachel Ray. I think facebook also has a problem with real breasts. One set is questionable while the others are obviously photoshop or something. I'm hoping by the time my children have children breastfeeding will be a whole lot less shock-and-awe than it is now. Maybe then we'll have an easier time beating back the barbarians who still think breasts are only sex toys.
You are awesome. Thank you for this.
Great post. I totally agree.
April, contact your local news folks again. Did you tell them of this blog post ? Direct them to it. The hypocrisy of Facebook is deliciously exposed here by you. Hard for your local TV news groups not to do a story on it, I'd say. Keep calling. The same thing happened to me (tandem-nursing photos removed due to their "sexually explicit" nature, but as well, my entire account was deleted... three times...), and the Montreal CBC television news *did* run a story on it.
I encourage and support you.
In solidarity,
found you through a friend -- linking you to my facebook too! You go mama!
April, I am linking this to FB and Twitter ..
Wow. Someone on the Toddler Mom board posted a link to you. (Search niceboards Toddler Mom).
I was watching the "Today Show" this morning at the doctor's office and they had this chef who was cooking with breastmilk- cheese and ice cream I think. Hmm.. offensive? I don't know. It's a pretty mainstream show.
So you go! I was never much for having my boobs photographed, but I fully support the right to breastfeed in public. So you go! I hope FB changes it's ways.
This has been added to the list as reason #72 that I have never and will never join face book!
Thank you for sharing!
You rock!
YES, fuck you Facebook!
And, I have to agree with Emma, I LOVE how clearly you've highlighted the hypocrisy.
Yay to nursing twins! I got through two weeks of NICU to go on to bf my premature son. What a feeling!
Am sharing this on "Facist-book"!
Congratulations on nursing your lovely babies. FB is pile of crock and full of mysogynistic hypocrites.
Large boats turn slowly; small minds never do.
Congratulations to you on your lovely, healthy family, and sail right past the small minds. : )
(Linked here courtesy of Daryl's FB link -- thanks Daryl)
Congratulations on your babies.
F''k You Facebook!
I dunno if you actually want to be on Oprah, but if you do, I suspect she would love to highlight this sort of issue. It's worth sending them an email.
well said! thank you for sharing.
Correct me if I am wrong, but does not someone need to "report" the photos before they get deleted? Or is there some poor schmuck working for FB whose job it is to troll through a zillion photo uploads and look for potentially offensive stuff?
Thank you so much for sharing this!! I laughed my ass off when I got to the end...VERY well said! Take that Facebook. I am a nursing mommy also to baby #3 and wouldn't have it any other way. Again...thank you!!
I applaud you! Way to go. Facebook doesn't get it and frankly, a great portion of this north-american world doesn't get it either.
Your picture of you breastfeeding your twins is so beautiful. I too have a picture of myself breastfeeding my (oh so little) twins, two years ago. Maybe I should put it up on FB....
*LIKE* ;)
a) way to go, mama! That sounds like one heckuva journey, I'm so glad to see your twins doing well.
b)FB is ALL WRONG here. Which you knew. But I thought another voice in the mix couldn't hurt.
I want to see an all breastfeeding audience on Oprah and Ellen!
Great post! I put up a picture all day yesterday for MILC day, and luckily, I wasn't reported... this is such crap!
i know exactly how you feel.. i had pics pulled off of myspace of me breastfeeding my son.. yet my husband gets myspace add from topless porno adds daily.. i would say the same for facebook but my hubby hates facebook.. its just passing the message of "your tits are for our enjoyment.. please remove the feeding child so we can see them" male dominated society is well reposented here!!
You Go!!!
I breastfed my son for over two years, and couldn't BF my daughter because both of us were so sick, This is a photo to be celebrated!!!
I hate that society still has this terrible stigma regarding breastfeeding..you feed your babies with pride and tell every one else to F.Off!
Bless you.
Your babies are beautiful, you are beautiful, your boobies are beautiful and breastfeeding is beautiful.
More importantly, all I saw in that pic was the pride, love and joy beaming from your face as you nursed your babies (which brought tears to my eyes) - your breasts just happen to be part of the whole.
Facebook are ignorant, hypocritical fucks. There wouldn't be much 'social networking' going on if mamas hadn't fed their babies since time immemorial now would there?
beautiful picture! and what small minded people they must be at facebook to remove it!
WOW. I found this post from someone on facebook and I reposted it! Ridiculous!!! And sickening. (I'm now following you on twitter too.. @babydickey) You go mama!
Well done. More power to you and anyone else who believes it is high time we took the sexual implications out of breastfeeding and started to take a good, hard look at how truly sexually implicit images are not even questioned. An infuriating battle, but one I fight with you as I prepare to nurse my second baby.
Yeah, you rock!
I've been complaining forever about how sex-obsessed Americans are, in general, yet, at the same time, totally repressed. It's a totally screwed up dichotomy. The porn industry generates insane amounts of money each year, but people are completely offended by breastfeeding--a very necessary, natural part of life. Ugh.
Uhh.. it is offensive. Sex is also a natural thing but you don't see people putting their pics up for that? Put your breasts away!
Congrats on your beautiful babies and for tandem nursing them!!
I am absolutely sppechless at Facebook's digusting display of sexism and predjudice against breastfeeding. The photo of you and your twins is wonderful and they have twisted it around.
BTW I found your blog through a FB POST while BREASTFEEDING!!
Be well Mamma!!
Thank you for not being afraid to say these words to the world. I have thought and spoken these things almost verbatem to many of my friends/family/acquaintances and applaud your public outcry.
I will be reposting this link as well.
You and both of your awesome lactating titties rock, sistah.
I have thought and said these things often. Thank you for not being afraid to say them publicly.
I will be reposting as well.
And, as for Anonymous above me, stop looking if you find it offensive, no one is making you read this blog or look at anyone's photos. It's a pretty easy thing to figure out.
That, my friend, sucks! How anyone could find that amazing photo offensive is beyond me.
CONGRATULATIONS! And here's to many successful twin nursing moments. From experience (w/just one babe) I know there's nothing better. I actually feel sorry for men they can't experience it.
Facebook needs to get a clue...
I love seeing women breastfeeding it is the most natural thing in the world and wow look at you ursing twins I am so impressed! the same can not be said for the attitude of facebook!!
This is so ridiculous it makes my stomach hurt. That they are so perverted as to think breastfeeding is sexual, that is gross and wrong. What scumbags.
Congrats to you and your babies & getting them both latched!! I've had a lot of trouble just with my one son (though of course, we're still goin at 4 months!) so you are basically my hero! I can't imagine nursing two at once!
I just got another one deleted. I'm not even IN it! It was a picture I took of my daughter while she was in my sling making a funny face after eating and it said "Mmmm. Mumma milk. Full tummy feels so good!"
fuck you, facebook. indeed!
what a beautiful picture. may you ALWAYS cherish that moment in your life, and never think twice about facebook and their stupid double standard.
Congrats! I just had my 3rd son at 35 and wasn't able to nurse for long due to complications butwe did it while we could and I agree those other pics should be removed not the awesome image of a mom feeding her kids!
I LOVE your photo. My own twin boys are now 3, but I have used the photo of my tandem nursing as a profile pic in the past. Way to go!
Loud and proud! I tandem nursed mine, aged 2 and newborn, up until my oldest was 4. Then continued until his little sister was 3. It's one of my proudest moments!
And seriously! If you are seeing anything, then you're looking way to damn hard!
Beautiful pic!!!!
God bless you! (And your babies!) I'm a member of several pro-breastfeeding facebook pages and see so many pics get removed - yet several people I know have pics of themselves in thongs as their "main image" - Ridiculous.
Fuck you facebook.
the closing comment says it all... happily nursed my first for 16 months and my second for 18 months. And have been a strongly opinioned breastfeeder and posted many supporting pictures on the "Hey facebook breastfeeding is not obscene"
Congrats on becomming a member of the militant breastfeeding cult... all my support your way...XO
Found your post on Shape of a Mother's FB post. I'm sorry you're the latest casualty in the FB breastfeeding photo war. Awesome tandem nursing pic! Congrats on nursing your twins.
From a tandem nursing momma--nursed my 1st 2 children for 13 mo (until they were 2 3/4 and 14 mo) and am currently tandem nursing children #3 and 4 (ages 16 mo and just-turned-4).
Awsome! Thanks for your voice of support for nursing mothers!
-Sarah Cline
I love you April! You are an amazing Mother and I applaud you for all you are doing for this... You are right .. Fuck you facebook!
Your photo is beautiful, there is nothing more beautiful than the beauty of a woman's body nourishing her child. The photos of the disfigured women on the other hand is just fucked up.
Congrats on the babes! I nursed my twins exactly like this and it was amazing for all of us - not obscene. How sad that anyone would try to make us feel shameful for feeding our children properly.
You are beautiful. I got your back!
huzzah and thank you. I've been breastfeeding for 5 years straight...I'm sick and tired of the objectification of women's bodies for men's sport rather than the understanding that breasts exist for a reason--to feed other humans.
I just got pictures of my nursing twins deleted after posting them on the "Hey Facebook" group. They had been on my profile for 1.5 months. I think someone is trolling the facebook group and flagging all the photos we post.
BF for 15m and going strong, PLUS I'm 19w pregnant.
To say that I am proud of you would be a complete understatement. One person can make a difference ~ how empowering. You are a wonderful role model to so many ~ you go girl! I love you. Forever and always I will remember the precious moments when I nursed you ~ with love. xo
WOW!!! That picture is so awesome!!! Congrats on the babies and the nursing!!! Facebook needs to get their heads out of their you know whats.
Not only do I second your "Fuck you" to Facebook, I'd like to add a big "Fuck you" to anyone and everyone else who thinks it's offensive. I no longer breastfeed but chosing to do so was the best decision I have ever made for my child, as I will with my more that I may have. Breastfeeding is a beautiful, natural thing....silicone isn't. I say we all second your notions and also report the pictures and attach a letter. Would anyone else be willing to do that?
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS. Good for you! MySpace once removed a pic of my preggie belly calling it obsene. Same BS.
Breastfeeding is NOT offensive. I did do it a little more discreetly and preferred not to be photographed, but I successfully nursed 2 of my 3 boys without offending anyone. I also endured infertility treatments and finally became pregnant with twins. I miscarried one twin at 6 weeks. My middle son was not able to nurse because of a severe cleft palate. I would much rather have nursed him, too. Why are people so offended by this natural act?
Wow... that's all I can say. I have a hard enough time when I bf one. Tandem??? Your AMAZZZZZZING!!!
Although I have not breast fed in nearly a decade (son is almost 20, daughter 18), I remember the pride and joy it gave me, and I am sad to see that some opinions of this completely natural life-giving maternal right that has been around as long as women have had babies is STILL raising eyebrows. Jesus, Mary and Joseph - do these whiners and groaners not realize that they were probably breastfed? Anyway... you are a hero. And FB can take a flying leap off my right nipple. ;) PS - congrats, and I wish you all the love and happiness that sweet babies can bring.
Saw this via "Shape of a Mother". I love you, your precious babies, your words, your lovely boobs, and your sentiment to facebook. I linked you because you rock. :)
Here is an idea, post in your facebook group a date, I think ALL people that disagree with what facebook has done, should take that exact picture of you tandem feeding your twins, and post it as their profile picture, with the status saying HEY FACEBOOK BREASTFEEDING IS NOT OBSCENE!!! Invite members of your group to attend the "event" make it at least a couple weeks in advance so there are MANY people doing it.... If they want to take the time to message every person that does it... power to them.... lol
congrats to you on the birth of your babies, and infinite kudos to you for tandem nursing!!! what a journey. and yah i'm with you. fuck facebook. that's a bunch of crap. i'm sharing your story...which ironically, i found via facebook.
Fan-bloody-tastic!!! Facebooks rules and decisions make absolutely NO sense to me :(
I really do wish someone with as much clout as Oprah would take up this campaign so that people would actually LISTEN!!!!
Congratulations on your gorgeous twins :)
I don't have anything new to say, just wanted to voice my support!!
Congrats on your breastfeeding accomplishment! ...and for proudly posting a beautiful pic :-)
A woman, An L&D nurse & Supporter of Your Message
Just a word of support! This sort of weird and warped sense of what is beautiful and natural and what is offensive has spilled out into the public. I had been breastfeeding my daughter for 6 months and dared to breastfeed in public (by public I mean in a cafe, over a coffee, with friends) and was asked to leave by the manager as I was 'disturbing' some of the other customers. I say society needs to get their heads read... a mummy feeding her baby/babies is a beautiful, amazing and joyous thing. You see more tit bared from most teenagers these days than when you breastfeed!!
Good for you!!! Both for posting this in your blog, and for writing to FaceBook!!! I breastfed both of my children, both in public and at home, and was lucky enough to never hear any negative comments about it. LOL...perhaps there were some, but just not within my hearing. Whatever the case, it looks like you have a LOT of people behind you...maybe you should send a link to your blog to the FB admins???
I just sent an email to Oprah with a link to this blog, asking her to use it as a show topic. Others should, as well.
You go mamma!!!
WTG! I am currently breastfeeding my 6month old. I can't believe they let groups like those you mentioned exist that is OFFENSIVE AND OBSCENE!!!
Beautifully said. And beautiful picture. It's precisely because people find breasts sexy, that the idea of putting them in the mouths of babies is so offensive. But, duh!, breasts are made for babies. So...Right on! You have a lot of supporters and a lot of good company. Good luck with the twins!
big fat thumbs up!
I am feeding my four month old son my milk, and it's been a hard but very rewarding process.
To hell with anyone who says that feeding our children the best food for them is an obscene act.
I salute you!
I have shared this on my facebook fan page......YOU GO MAMA!
btw....the pic of you tandem feeding is beautiful...you look so completely happy!
big raspberry to facebook.....you should learn not to mess with mothers!!!
ROCK ON, GIRL!!!! Good for you!
OMG - you rock!!! Nicely put :)
--- Nad
Go Momma Go!!!
I was also linked to your blog on facebook and re-posted. I have participated in many nurse ins was a very proud extended breastfeeding momma. I have always wonder what people found offensive about nursing photos. I get some people do not want to look at them but if that is the case turn your head.
Keep up the great work!!!
I agreed with you on everything...until I saw the last picture. Why is it appropriate to post that picture? You're proud of your children, and the fact that you have them. That's great, and congratulations, but why is facebook the appropriate venue for this picture? To me, it's a huge, glaring overshare. So while I don't agree with facebook's stance on the other groups, I don't agree that this is an appropriate picture either. There is a time and place for picture of you breastfeeding your children. It's among friends, in a personal way. It's not on a social networking group to make a point.
I think this picture is absolutely beautiful! And for facebook to delete this is ridiculous! Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing; I am still nursing my almost 13 month old daughter, and I don't think either of us are quite ready to stop!
Many kudos to you for sticking it up facebook's arse!
Thank you for the amazing support! To the above "Anonymous" comment, I posted this picture on a pro-breastfeeding group, and only on a pro-breastfeeding group (well...until putting it on my blog). The reason I posted it is because breastfeeding is normal, natural, and should be every bit as accepted (no...more accepted) than pictures of babies being bottle fed. To change our society, it is going to take the brave breastfeeding women who are confident enough in themselves to take a stand, ignore the glares, and feed our babies the way nature intended wherever we need to. As long as we keep telling breastfeeding women to hide in bathroom stalls, in empty rooms, and in their stuffy cars, we will never create a world where mothers have the support they need to take care of their babies in a healthy and natural way. My picture is my stand of solidarity with all mothers around the world - and that feels amazing.
You are AWESOME!
For the photo/facebook debaucle AND for tandem nursing your twins (I read your 12 month appt update and I wanted to reach through the computer and hug you - as a mom who has spent MANY a day in clinic rooms with my 2 boys, hot, hungry and burnt out, I totally could have written it myself... you are awesome.)
I have seen your picture on Facebook 4 times today in my newsfeed from other moms reposting the link to this post that I linked...
Facebook is apparently run by a bunch of asses...
Keep up the great work!
Wow. Please add my voice to the loud and diverse chorus of support here. There is not one single thing remotely obscene about your picture. And, you and your babies are beautiful. Weirdly sexualized mentalities should go elsewhere.
Good for you! I had a terrible time breastfeeding and stuck with it since it was healthy for my son! Having to deal with the public and even some of my family's disdain for breastfeeding made it even harder! Grow up facebook and world! Breasts were designed for one reason and it was not male pleasure!
You are amazing!
Good for you, April!!!! Breastfeeding is not easy but it is natural and needs to be supported! Breasts were designed with one purpose in mind and it was not male pleasure. The only people offended by breastfeeding pictures are men and women who are so stupid they consider breasts sex organs and not organs designed for nurturing young.
.....so, boobs for visual stimulation are ok on facebook, but boobs for their natural reproductive purposes are offensive?? I'm sorry facebook, but that makes you a BOOB!
Sock it to them April!
You go girl! I nursed baby #1 until she was 4, including nursing while PG and 6 months of tandem nursing. The world SO needs to get over finding feeding a baby offensive.
I am now apx 6 months into nursing baby #2 and will do it where ever and when ever I need to.
Congratulations on your beautiful babies!
I had my 3rd FB pic removed today. :) I feel your frustration. I even linked to you in my blog post about this. http://itsallaboutthehat.blogspot.com/2010/03/16-months-later.html
Much luck!
Congratulations on your children, breastfeeding them successfully, and speaking your mind. Better luck on getting FB to take its head out of its ass.
Do you mind if I share your post here in my blog? As a guest post?
Good for you for stirring this up. It is unbelievable that they can have fb accounts that sexualize breasts but find pictures of bfing mamas obscene. Errrrrrr.....(banging head against wall)
Lovely photo!!! I've never had twins, but I've tandem nursed and it definitely is a skill that takes practice.
And, of course, a hearty fuck you to Facebook. Will be passing this link on also.
My twins (middle 2 of 4 kids) are 30 & their older brother is 40. Nursing was the thing to do at the time (for all four), so you'd think attitudes would have shifted by now.
Rock on, mama!
Great post. It's sad. And infuriating.
Thank you. People are so narrow minded when it comes to Breastfeeding and as a nurse and mother of almost 4- it drives me insane. Hopefully the ripple effect from things like this will spread- and eventually breastfeeding will be the norm in this country. Keep it up. And congrats on breastfeeding your twins.
Thank you. People are so narrow minded when it comes to Breastfeeding and as a nurse and mother of almost 4- it drives me insane. Hopefully the ripple effect from things like this will spread- and eventually breastfeeding will be the norm in this country. Keep it up. And congrats on breastfeeding your twins.
This is ridiculous and I am not only posting it on facebook, I am sending a message directly to them.
Keep up the good work, Mama!!!
Silly frat boyz -- TITS ARE FOR TOTS ! :P
It is men who have sexualized the breasts. To all the breastfeeding women out there, the breasts are the perfect container for nature's perfect baby food. Always ready and at the perfect temperature!
As a mom who breastfeed all three of her children for over a year each,
I SALUTE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Surprising that Titties only has 528 subscribers with that beautiful pic
YES! And you know what? You SHOULD be posting that photo! You absolutely should be proud!
Good for you for breastfeeding! My kids are school age and sometimes I really miss that close, intimate, nursing time. I hope facebook listens, I think they are being ridiculous. Breastfeeding is womanly and beautiful, not sexually explicit.
God Bless!!
Thank you for speaking out on behalf of all of us who know what breasts are actually for!!
Brilliant - thanks, April. As a breastfeeding mother who has had photos deleted (now on page 11 at www.tera.ca), I have writtenb many letters to facebook about the randomness and idiocy of their deletions. I always forgot to say "Fuck you, facebook" - yah!
You took the words right outta my mouth! I will be FB'ing and tweeting about this fantastic post. You nailed it girl!
On behalf of nursing mothers everywhere, and the NiNi Bambini community: YOU ARE A GODDESS!! We are so proud of you!!
Nice work spreading the word April! It is just awesome FU FB !!!
Stay strong beautiful mama. Nothing made me more angry when breastfeeding than other people putting their two cents in. Breastfeeding is far from obscene. Fuck facebook and the lame woman who kept insisting that I didn't have enough milk, because she was scared of seeing boobies. Sending love.
Scottsdale Mama
great, great post. so fucking stupid of FB. i mean REALLY.
Well said, thank you for not only standing up for youself and your right to share a beautiful moment with your children but for taking the time to compare the "offensiveness" of a breastfeeding photo to those of all the "tits" groups on facebook. Hopefully those who didn't get it before will now!
Nice work spreading the word April! It is just awesome!!! All the babies Thank you!!
OFFENSIVE??? Breasts not being objectified and sexualized is offensive???? Get real Facebook - be part of the movement to assure that babies are given every opportunity to thrive!
Amen, sister! Fight the good fight!
Write to Heather Armstrong at dooce.com. She has some SERIOUS clout in the blogosphere.
I went to report an unappropriate sexual photo and this is the message you get. So your photo should not have been deleted. But by the same standard the other ones shouldn't be deleted either.
"Facebook may remove photos for nudity or pornography if:
-they depict genitalia, bare butts, female nipple
-they depict sex toys
-they contain black-barred or pixelated images of otherwise violating nudity
Facebook will not remove a photo for nudity or pornography use if:
-the photo is simply unflattering
-the individual pictured does not like the way it looks
-the photo does not violate our Terms of Use"
Wonderful post. Beautiful picture. It's horrible that photos like yours have been deleted.
I'm a breastfeeding mom as well, though I am tandem nursing my two.
You go girl! I am so proud there are women like you who "get it" about breastfeeding.
I hope I see a change in "the so called "modern" world's" mentality about breastfeeding before I leave this earth. Posts like yours make it seem like it may be a possibility.
: )
You know, not everyone wants to witness you feeding your children. We know you are proud of your accomplishments, we get it!! Feed them all the protein from your body that you possibly can . . but please stop doing it in public. For every ten women that think it's beautiful, there are at least 4 cringing in the restaurant as your boobs are out on display sharing that fact that you are able to feed a child. You know what, my grandmother is able to have a bowel movement (where my grandfather can't coz he has a colostomy bag). I think I'll suggest to her that she sit next to YOU at the restaurant and drop a huge turd right in your face. How would you feel about that display of pride. Breast feeding a child is not a miracle, it's a choice. Get over yourself!! PLEASE!!
I love your picture, and you for posting it. I know what it took to nurse one baby and the struggle I went through in the beginning. So you are amazing for being able to do it with two babies!!! It makes me sad becasue this would be widly excepted in many countires, but considered unusual in north america. It took alot for me to feel comfortable nursing in public and I will not let anyone get in my way, but I know a lot of new moms who feel very uncomfortable doing so and they shouldn't. Facebooks removal of this picture does not give new mothers the idea that nursing is excepeted in the publics eyes and that they should hide.
This is a beautiful picture and it's too bad some people are offended by the beauty of nature.
Comparing your kids breast feeding to some sexy or funny women is a joke. I'm not offended by your picture, but please don't try to compare the two. There are more important things in the world than everyone having to see you breastfeeding. If it was that triumphant of a feat for you, wouldn't a simple message to your friends and family been good enough?
1st congrats on your twins. 2nd what an amazing picture and shame on Facebook for thinking it was offensive.
Good for you. I nursed all 3 of my kids and would feed them anywhere and anytime needed. Stand your ground for all us mom's our there.
A[stinken]men sister!
This post is amazing!!! I just wanted to say thank you... as a fellow extended breastfeeder myself I have had plenty of pictures removed both from facebook & myspace due to "inappropriate" conduct! BULL HONKY!!!
Breastfeeding is NOT offensive and by the way... IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T WATCH right?! ;)
Just went and did my own reporting of those pages. Looks like the 'titties' page is gone now.
Hopefully the other pages will get pulled too.
You'd think FB would have paid attention when LJ caught a bunch of flack for pulling people's breastfeeding icons. Guess not.
that's awesome! good for you and congrats on your babies!
Well I think YOUR A ROCK STAR!!
Congrats on those beautiful babies!
Congrats on breastfeeding them!
Congrats on telling those college kids to fuck off!
We'll teach em sooner than later ;-)
Love and Laughter,
*wonders if Facebook is owned by a company that makes forumla...*
Please keep fighting this, for all the wonderful breast feeding mothers out there. I do not have children yet, but I know when I do I will be feeding them when they are hungry, wherever I am. Facebook is run by a bunch of fools. You look positively radiant with your 2 wonderful children.
Love what you are doing, breastfeeding is a wonderful experience for both mom and baby there is nothing obscene about it!!!
Found your blog via Twitter. I'm posting it to FB too and writing directly to them. Ironically, I just reported someone who sent me a friend request w/ a picture of her naked & red hearts over her nipples. Her entire wall is sexually oriented.
I've been breastfeeding for over 3.5 yrs, and it's the best thing we've ever done. Bravo!
amazing. congrats to you and your beautiful babies. fb is a good idea and that's where it ends - they're so fucked up
well said.
i think its a great pic - you look so happy and proud.
I'm not a mom (yet) but I posted your blog post on facebook, with the picture!
Tandem Breastfeeding! Wow!
Go, you! BF Twins -- that's fantastic! I'm with you on this whole FB thing. If they take down your pic, they need to take down all of the boobie pics. If they allow those, the BF pics should stay. I think it should be an all encompassing boob rule, not just specific to BF. I BF my son well into toddlerhood and I too, would LOVE to see Ellen do a show for BF moms. I think if anyone would do it, she would. We should all write to her!
you are so right!
I"m impressed that you are nursing tandem style - I could never do that. I love breastfeeding more than anything in the world!
You go girl!!
I am a mother of two myself, and although I did not breastfeed, I agree with EVERYTHING that you are doing.
I thought that id let you know that I contacted my local news about your blog and your story. I think that people need to hear this!!
People who are against public breastfeeding have their "s" in the wrong place. Not "boob rules" ... boobs rule!
So, stupid question - I'd like to contact Facebook to express my outrage about this, but I can't find how to contact them? Does anyone have an email address for contacting them? Thanks!!!
Congrats and kudos to you!
As a mother who nursed her daughter until she was 3 years old, I am amazed by the vehemence of the "eww" and "ick" type comments that ensue when people find out that we nursed past infancy.
Our society's entire understanding and perception of breasts has become so distorted - and that distortion is what's truly disturbing.
A friend of a friend works for Facebook and removes explicit images. Your blog has been forwarded to her. Hope it helps. You deserve an apology. So many of us are proud of you for what you do and what you did and what this picture represents. It's a beautiful image.
Stay strong sister,
A fellow MOM to twin girls, tandem nurser, and (most importantly) woman.
We love your post on this, and featured it on our blog today.
*round of applause*
Facebook are being oddly silent over this, no?
I applaud you! Thank you for writing this! Moms of twins would be encouraged by your photo, showing your moment of victory! You rock!
YES! Breastfeeding twins! My breastfed wonders are 15 yo and 13 yo x2 (my twins). While I am happily in a stage of "breasts for fun", the blessed grace breastfeeding gave my mothering can never be forgotten or erased.
FB needs to realize that within their user ranks number many, many breastfeeders and breastfed.
Keep up the great work! And congratulations!!!
I had an interesting thing happen when I went to share your post with my friends on facebook...it twice gave me a security check before it would share it. I can't begin to say the number of times I've shared things and I've NEVER had to do that. In my comments I used the words breast and obscene and I'm wondering if it flagged those words or your blog? What ever is going on I want to be a part of it...so I am going to post a picture of a nursing mama until someone gets the message that nursing is natural if not normal in our culture...though I am singing to the choir in my case. YOU ROCK!!
Every time I'm having a rough day with my 10-month-old, I think to myself, "Hey, you could have had twins."
Congrats on your babies and breastfeeding! Keep up the good fight.
amazing pic, amazing mommy! your post is my status update today. shame on facebook.
emily - proud BFing mom to eliza
You go girl! Breastfeeding is NOT obscene!
We need pictures like this to encourage women. A woman pregnant with twins can be told it's possible, but seeing makes a lot of difference.
May I use your picture in my Breastfeeding Multiples class?
Great entry, about to share on facebook and everywhere else I can think of.
Fuck you Facebook is right. I think that is a beautiful photo. Beautiful!
I don't find ANY of those images sexually offensive. And Facebook is utterly ridiculous. Or udderly... hahaahaa Either way.
I do hate the double standard and the sexualization of breasts. How anyone can find a nursing mother offensive in any way is completely beyond me.
Keep up the good fight.
Facebook is old news. I deleted my account months ago. You go girl! I hate to see breastfeeding in public restrooms becaus because the rest of the world is unaware that breast are for more than good ratings for cable TV. Facebook b-holes if your ancestors didn't breastfeed you wouldn't be here. The tah-tahs were meant for milk making and feeding babes!
Good for you!! I applaud you for taking action!!! Congrats on your beautiful children =) (((hugs))))
I LOVE it! I posted fb account along with following:
"Further proof that too many people in this country (Facebook censors included) are ignorant about the main purpose of female breasts. Yes, they are awesome in many ways, but they also have this amazing other purpose that, OMG, we've been doing for thousands and thousands of years, long before the saline implants showed up..."
And the link: http://www.onemillioncampaign.org/doc/RisksofFormulaFeeding.pdf (Good time to educate) F*ck you, FB!
I too have a pic like that. (we have similiar stories) What a proud day it SHOULD be to nurse your babes at the same time. (Trust me people -it is hard work!!) I applaud you for doing this and shame on Facebook for turning this into something other than beautiful. From a mom of twin boys born May /09 -I salute you girl!!
I applaud you, and respect you, and think you are an amazing Mom. I totally agree with you on every count. Good for you!
I'm not sure this occurred to you, but it is a terrific side effect. That photo of you appears on the page of everyone who posts this story to facebook. I reposted it from a friend. A friend reposted it from me... which means that this photo currently appears 3 times on my facebook feed. See? Facebook can't keep a good woman down!
The double standards of Facebook is revolting.
Hey, congrats on the tandem feeding! Not all moms of twins get there.
Love it.
You go, girl!
What I love most about linking this on facebook is that the picture shows up :)
I recently got a comment from my cousin, politely asking why so many of my posts are about breastfeeding. I was pleasantly surprised at how many of my friends responded: because it's IMPORTANT!
Well, of course your picture is more offensive because it shows you as an empowered, proactive, conscientious woman and mother, rather than a sex toy. How very inappropriate. I'm not surprised at all by face-book ....but I AM disgusted by the culture that views breastfeeding as inappropriate when those other photos are totally insulting to women as a whole!
You. are. awesome. :)
holy crap, i love you. go get 'em, mama. how ridic!
ps. you are so freakin' awesome for bf'ing two babes. it's no easy task.
April, you are my new hero.
Im not a mom, but i am a woman,, and i find this to be a natural part if life.... in fact she is giving life. and its less offensive that some of the "tit" shots that are still up on facebook. i dont understand why people find it offensive....
great post!!!
THAT's what my blog has been missing: TiTs! Who knew?
Aloha from Hawaii my new Friend!
Comfort Spiral
You go girl! And congratulations :)
Right on, mama!
And I just reposted this on FB!
Good for you April! At the moment my mother and I are campaigning for British shops to cover up top-shelf magazines in our local newsagent and supermarkets. Currently it is legal to ask a woman to leave a store if she is breastfeeding and many shop owners do, but them same shops have magazines with topless and legs akimbo women within full view of everyone. The sexualisation of breasts in our society has made breastfeeding a social taboo, it needs to stop!
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